Monday, November 9, 2015

August Trip: The Final Leg

Tree House entrance.
By Carl

When you were a kid, having a tree house in your backyard basically meant you were royalty. Having a house in a tree gave you and your friends a perfect sanctuary away from the real world. Being able to hide out in your own space was liberating and allowed you to be anything you wanted to be.

Fast forward to adulthood where your imagination is gone and the real world is now even more terrifying and confusing than you ever thought possible as a child. Just when you think there's no way out...enter Tree House Brewing Company!

That's right. The final leg of our big August trip was in Monson, Mass., which is home to one of the best breweries New England, maybe even the whole country, has to offer. Tree House has emerged as one of the superpowers of the beer world, and they have done it at what seems like a record pace.

Tree House Julius. The staple!
Since getting in the beer game, I don't know if I have seen a brewery blow up as fast as these guys have. I remember not too long ago when Mark mentioned something to me about a beer called Julius. I had never heard of it before, but it has since become one of the most sought after IPAs in the game.

Julius, Green, Haze, Alter Ego and so many more are what Tree House has been built on. The offerings just keep piling up at an astounding rate. Just a couple months back, it was huge whenever they released Julius cans. Now they seem to be available almost every week at the brewery. The growth is easy to see and it is incredible.

This was the first time I visited Tree House, and while it was disappointing that they only had Haze at a six can per person limit for the day, just being able to see the process was rewarding.

These guys seem to have everything down to a science now. Some places may get too big for their own good at times, but this certainly has not happened to Tree House. They know what to expect each and every day, which is a huge line of people that tends to start hours before opening. Growlers are taken in early on to be filled while everyone waits in line to grab their allotted cans. The lines run quickly and smoothly, which is all anyone can ask for when waiting for beer!

Tree House growler lineup.
Tree House used to be open Thursday through Saturday, but due to the continuous growth, they are now open Wednesdays at noon as well.

I went back about a month ago when they had Julius, Haze and Lights On available for cans. I also snagged growlers of Double Shot (stout) and Curiosity Twenty Two (IPA) to make the trip even more fulfilling.

I can only imagine what the future holds for this brewery. In my opinion, the sky is the limit and there's no telling how big Tree House can get. I have even heard rumors about them distributing to a couple bars. I can neither confirm nor deny these rumors, but the fact of the matter is the word is out and thensome.

It took a while for all of these legs to be written up, but I'm glad we were able to tell our story and happy you could come along for the ride with us. Keep an eye out for much more, as our beer adventures are just getting started!

The final August Trip haul!

P.S. I will be in Connecticut this week and plan on returning to Tree House on Thursday, Nov. 12 with Mark. Hopefully there will be a bunch of offerings available!

P.P.S If you want an expert opinion on Tree House, ask Mark. The kid is virtually there every week, something I'm incredibly jealous about!

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