Think about it for a second. What are you reaching for after a 12-hour day of work? You woke up too late this morning and did not have time for your daily cup of coffee. Jimmy from accounting shredded a crucial document you needed in order to finish that project you've been working on for months and in turn your boss reamed you out for a good 45 minutes. And to top it all off, dammit if Jimmy didn't go and steal your cold tupperware of pasta for lunch while he was at it. The thought of eating that pasta was all that was getting you through the rest of your day!
When you finally plop down on the couch after an hour and a half commute through rush-hour traffic, you pop on the TV and crack a beer. Now what kind of beer is it? That doesn't matter all that much! IPA, stout, pale ale, etc. It's all the same to you at the end of the day from hell.
The beer world is vast and wonderful. Whether you are into the craft game or are perfectly content with cracking an ice cold Bud Light when life's got you down or you're looking to have a good time, I'm not here to judge or complain at all. Whatever floats your boat.
I entrenched myself in the beer game about six months ago and I'll tell you what - it's just awesome. Don't get me wrong, it's exhausting. The continuous search for the next great beer is enough to make you pull your hair out, but the thrill is exhilarating.
That is what this blog is all about. I, along with a number of colleagues, hope to bring you some entertainment through our travels as well as our trials and tribulations trying to find our next brew.
I think I can speak for my fellow contributors on this blog when I say we are still in a learning process here. We are not going to pretend like we know everything there is to know about beer. Some of us know more than others, but not one is an expert. We will use our continued experiences, as well as this blog, as a platform to expand our knowledge.
From our random trips to our experiences just waiting in line for a limited release, we hope to capture it all! This should be entertaining, so we encourage you to tune in and come along for the ride with us.
Summer 2015 Share
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